Nourishing Communities through Corporate Social Responsibility.

Together, we look forward to a future where our corporate values continue to uplift
and inspire communities for generations to come.

At Morgan Foods, Inc., we believe in fostering a culture of compassion, and our annual initiatives underscore our dedication to making a positive impact. From providing essential resources to supporting health and wellness, we take pride in our multifaceted approach to corporate social responsibility. In the heart of our corporate character lies a deep commitment to giving back to the communities that have played an essential role in our growth.

One of our flagship programs is our annual donation of over 10,000 cases of food to local community organizations. Among these are the YMCA and the Scott County Clearing House Food Pantry. We recognize that our employees and their families are an integral part of the neighborhoods in which they reside. Through this initiative, we aim to address food insecurity while strengthening the bonds within these communities. By partnering with local organizations, we ensure that the impact of our donations is maximized, reaching those who need it the most.

Morgan Foods, Inc. proudly matches all employee donations to United Way, amplifying the impact of individual contributions. This not only showcases our solidarity with causes that matter but also empowers our employees to actively participate in shaping the philanthropic endeavors we support.

In what has been one of our proudest moments in community outreach undertakings, 45 dedicated employees from Morgan Foods, Inc. volunteered their time to support the Gleaners Feed the Youth summer program. This hands-on involvement reflects the passion and enthusiasm our team brings to initiatives aimed at uplifting the next generation. Through mentorship, assistance, and care, we strive to be a positive influence in the lives of young individuals, fostering a brighter future for our communities.

Our commitment to community well-being extends beyond specific events to encompass ongoing support for organizations that make a lasting difference. Morgan Foods, Inc. proudly provides teams for the local Relay for Life, standing in solidarity with those affected by cancer. The relay not only raises funds for research and support but also symbolizes our collective determination to fight against this pervasive disease.

At Morgan Foods, Inc., we firmly believe in the power of volunteerism. Our employees generously donate their time to various local initiatives, including the Outreach program, 4H, Santa’s Castle, Kiwanis Youth program, and the local Feed the Youth program. Some of our employees have completed training to volunteer as Court Appointed Special Advocates for abused or neglected children. These volunteer efforts reflect our belief in the importance of actively engaging with and contributing to the well-being of our communities.

Morgan Foods, Inc. remains unwavering in its commitment to corporate social responsibility. By addressing immediate needs such as food insecurity, prioritizing health and wellness, and actively participating in community initiatives, we strive to create a positive ripple effect that resonates far beyond our corporate walls. Our employees, embodying the spirit of compassion, continue to be the driving force behind our impactful contributions, making a meaningful difference in the lives of those we serve. Together, we look forward to a future where our corporate values continue to uplift and inspire communities for generations to come.